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Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Zesty Watermelon Mojito

Hello Lovelies,

When it comes to the world of cocktails I am a bit of a one trick pony, but I have to say, my one trick is pretty darn tasty!  

So Ladies and Gents let me introduce you  to the Watermelon Mojito a sweet zesty dream, that is the perfect "Sundowner" and a sure cure to those Melon-choly days!


1/2 seedless watermelon cut into chunks
1 bunch of mint, 6 sprigs reserved for serving
1 lime, cut into wedges
1 tsp of your sugar of choice
1/1/4 cups of your favourite white rum
(1/2 cup of lime cordial for a virgin Mojito)


  • If you own a juicer then chuck in your melon and reap the sweet rewards.  If you don't then throw your watermelon chunks in a blender, blitz to your hearts content then pour through a fine-mesh sieve, pressing down with a wooden spoon to extract as much liquid as possible.
  • In a large container (or pestle and mortar) combine your mint, sugar and the juice of half a lime.  With the back of a wooden spoon, crush the mint and lime and until the sugar is dissolved.
  • Add your watermelon juice and rum (switch the rum for cordial if you want a Nojito) and give it all a good stir to combine.
  •  Pour into an ice filled jug, throw in some sprigs of mint, wedges of lime and some strawberries to garnish!

Now all there is to say is Cheers, Salute, Santé!

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Instagram Catch Up

Hello Lovelies,  

My little iPhone has been as snap happy as ever recently, so here's a little update on his recent adventures.

Left to Right - Top to Bottom:

  • I fell head over heals in love with this blue and white floral dress, and the best thing about it was that it was as cheap as chips! 
  • Wimbledon was the perfect excuse for eating gargantuan amounts of strawberries, whether it was in fruit salads or cheeky Mocktails I managed to put them in everything.
  • I recently dug out my Mulberry Bayswater which proved the perfect bag to take to Wimbledon.
  • The view from my yummy lunch over looking the courts.
  • You can't go to Wimbledon without having strawberries and cream!
  • Breton stripes, tan Avarcas and a beaten up Oak Bayswater = the perfect relaxed OOTD
  • I went home for the weekend and explored the garden, the giant roses were just demanding to be papped!
  • Last but not least was my little trip to my favourite card shop, as well as beautiful cards they sell quirky coffee table books, I was definitely dreaming of Paris that afternoon!

I am a serious shutterbug so am naturally addicted to Instagram, I love finding new accounts to follow so please leave yours below.

If you'd like to come and say hello my Instagram username is SOPHIE_JANE_LIFESTYLE 

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Things I Want To Do This Summer

Long time no see my Lovelies,

During a rather hot and sticky run this morning (YUCK!) I started thinking about how I would like to spend my time this Summer.  After 5K I had compiled a pretty good list of things that I want to do; instead of jotting them in my diary I thought I would pop them up on my blog.  It's the perfect post to re-start my three day a week blogging schedule as well as give you Lovelies some ideas for fun Summer adventures.

Long and lazy Summer picnics
As you may already know I love nothing more than a good picnic.  A hamper full of yummy food, a blanket and a spot of sunshine = Summer perfection!  

Watch the sunset somewhere pretty
This is a tad cliché but everyone loves a good sunset!!!

Go camping/glamping with friends

I have to admit to not being a massive camping fan, but glamping is my cup of tea (in a bone china teacup!) all the fun of sleeping under canvas but with all your home comforts to hand!

Lots and lots of alfresco eating

I LOVE good food, and enjoy nothing more than eating a scrummy meal outside with friends or family, then sitting and chatting as the sun sets and the stars appear.

Explore new farmers markets

Again about eating!  

Make lots of healthy ice lollies

I've given up all of those nasty processed sugars, so my Summer treat to beat the heat is my Blueberry Cream Ice Lollies they are super yummy but I want to put my thinking cap on this Summer and come up with some different flavours.

Run more!  Twice a week isn't enough

I'd love to start running more, I run 5K pretty comfortably, but would love to be able to run at least 10k without collapsing in a heap!

Organise summer adventures with my friends

I love a good adventure, last Summer we discovered Steephill Cove and gorged ourselves on fresh crab!  For this Summer I am in full planning mode, so stay tuned, as I will definitely pop them up on the blog.

I hope you are all enjoying the amazing weather (and making the most of it), I'd love to know in the comments what plans you are making for this Summer.

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