Hello Lovelies,
As a true coffee lover I wanted to share a coffee secret with you. This secret is a biggie and will change your coffee drinking forever, so hold onto your mugs!
Ladies and Gents my coffee secret, for your ears only is Pact Coffee. A little gem of a business that delivers freshly roasted coffee straight to your doormat weekly or fortnightly, could there possibly be anything better? As well as roasting the beans to perfection, Pact Coffee will also grind your beans to suit your coffee machine (fine for espresso, coarse for cafetiere and everything in between).
After all that loveliness they go one step further and post it to you in special sealed bags that will fit through your letter box, so no having to wait for the postman! I told you they're lovely.
Although I've just spent the last few paragraphs singing the praises of Pact Coffee this post is not sponsored, although if you are reading I'd love to work with you (little cheeky grin).
Are any of you Lovelies coffee addicts?