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Tuesday, 29 September 2015

#nationalcoffeeday and My Love Of Pact Coffee

Hello Lovelies,

 It's National Coffee Day!  

As a true coffee lover I wanted to share a coffee secret with you.  This secret is a biggie and will change your coffee drinking forever, so hold onto your mugs!   

Ladies and Gents my coffee secret, for your ears only is Pact Coffee.  little gem of a business that delivers freshly roasted coffee straight to your doormat weekly or fortnightly, could there possibly be anything better?  As well as roasting the beans to perfection, Pact Coffee will also grind your beans to suit your coffee machine (fine for espresso, coarse for cafetiere and everything in between).  

After all that loveliness they go one step further and post it to you in special sealed bags that will fit through your letter box, so no having to wait for the postman!  I told you they're lovely. 

Although I've just spent the last few paragraphs singing the praises of Pact Coffee this post is not sponsored, although if you are reading I'd love to work with you (little cheeky grin).

Are any of you Lovelies coffee addicts?


Monday, 7 September 2015

10 Things Every University Student Needs to Know + A Giveaway

Hello Lovelies,

This time last year I wrote a Freshers Survival Guide, a blog post full of tips and advice from my personal experience as a naive Fresher.  As the first day of Uni is just around the corner I thought it would be a great time to give you the 'Ten Things Every University Student Needs to Know'.  

  1. Find the Balance - Finding the perfect balance between work and play is always tricky, but no more so than at Uni.  Your grades are not everything, but do remember you don't want to walk out after three years with only a 1st in Partying!
  2. Use Your Tutors - Your not at school anymore, staying behind after class and talking to your tutors/lecturers no longer means you're in trouble, so ask lots of questions and utilise office open hours.
  3. Study Aids - Record cards, Post-it notes and highlighters should be at the top of your shopping list!
  4. Make Connections - Networking and making connections can make stepping into the big wide world just a little bit easier.  A lot of the time it is WHO not WHAT you know that gets you the job, so schmooze while you can and make those all important contacts.
  5. Internships - Even with a killer degree finding your graduate job can still be hard.  So get as much experience as you can and make your CV stand out from the crowd.  
  6. Revision Buddy - Having someone to revise with or talk through your assignments is a massive help, so grab your pal and hit the library together.
  7. The Freshers Fifteen - Try and avoid those dreaded fifteen pounds.  However It is not just Freshers who need to watch out, junk food, erratic sleep and a rather sedentary life will not be good for your waist line.  You don't need a gym membership, just a pair of trainers so pull them on and pound the pavements.
  8. Student Discount - Don't forget your student discount, whether it's food or fashion, use it whenever you can/remember!
  9. Plan Plan Plan - Make sure you know when all your assignments need to be handed in!  Grab yourself a pretty diary and fill in those all important dates. 
  10. Remember - Last but by no means least, be spontaneous and have fun!
Whether it is your first year or last you will need some killer stationary, so I thought I would run a little giveaway.  The lucky winner will receive the goodies below as well as some pretty pastel surprises! 
 Stationary addicts are very welcome to enter ;) 

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