Having already reviewed
Sorbet and Wild Watermelon on Friday 26th April and having absolutely loved both of them i have probably worn them everyday neglecting all my other lipsticks. I am normally not a fan of high street lipsticks so I was rather suprised how much i loved them. While shopping for both of them I saw Juicy Papaya another one of their new Summer release but wasn't to sure about the colour, I don't normally go for peachy coral colours, but after a little deliberation i took the plunge and popped it in my basket.
Juicy Papaya |
Now this was so hard to photograph it looks so different, when it is twisted up in the bullet it looks a really coral colour, but when you swatch it it is quite orange, I still wasn't sure but I love the Revlon Lip Butters so much that I wanted to give it a try.
Juicy Papaya swatch |
On my lips it was however completely different again, it almost took on a pink hue, along with the coral and orange undertones, I took hundreds of pictures trying to capture what the colour really looked like but I just couldn't quite get it, however that doesn't mean I didn't like it if anything I think its my favorite its such an easy colour to wear, super moisturising like the rest of them and really flattering, if I had to pick two it would be Sorbet and Juicy Papaya. If you haven't tried it yet you wont be disappointed I promise. S.x
Juicy Papaya on my lips |
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