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Sunday, 14 July 2013

Pretty Pictures of the Week #6

Hello Lovelies,

The last week hasn't been very eventful, the weather has been lovely so there has been a lot of sun worshiping going on!

  • Due to the lovely  weather the gardens have been full of children playing and paddling in the river.
  • This photo was technically taken two weeks ago, but they have just been sent to me, it is of my brother, my cousins, their spouses and I all acting like idiots in a photo booth at my Fathers 60th.
  • My Grandma has been staying this week and we have had a rather naughty coffee cake.
  • A little pic of my brothers havaianas and mine, big foot and little foot!
  • I have been loving these Saturn peaches (more commonly known as doughnut peaches), they are so yummy and a slight change from the normal peaches.  I am a complete fruit lover and these are definitely one to add to the list at the grocers.

I hope everyone has had a lovely week?

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  1. Great pics hun looks like lots of fun.

    Hope you can stop by our blog too :)


    1. Thank you, I had a long read of your blog this morning and am now following you, fab beauty reviews. X

  2. Great pictures, looks like a great week! :)


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