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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Summer Picnic

 Hello Lovelies,

Today was another wonderfully hot day so I decided to throw a picnic, my picnic buddy wasn't around, so I called upon A and K.  After having found some new picnic buddies I loaded up the picnic bag and melamine tiffin tin full of goodies and set off for the park.   I absolutely love picnics, it's the perfect mix of al fresco eating but with a laid back feel, I love being able to nibble on the culinary delights then lie in the sun and chat.

You all know I am a foodie, so a picnic is the perfect excuse to nip to the supermarket, fill my basket with yummy ingredients and return to cook up some scrumptious food.  For this little picnic I knocked up a watercress and goat's cheese quiche, some sticky chicken, fresh melon juice and a batch of blueberry crumble bars.

Watercress and goats cheese quiche:

This is an easy peasy quiche and so quick to make.
First things first is the pastry needs to be rolled and put in a greased quiche tin, you can either be good and make your own or cheat!  
Next dice an onion and roughly chop two large handfuls of watercress, then put them in a pan to sweat.
Then whisk four eggs and add milk to make it up to 1 pint.
Dice half your gout's cheese and sprinkle in the egg/milk mixture, then add onion/watercress mixture onto your pastry lined case and pour on egg/milk.
Then cut thin slices of goats cheese to garnish, then pop in you oven at 160 c for thirty minutes or until golden and set.

Sticky chicken:

Get a non stick frying pan and get it nice and hot.
Coat your chicken in some soy sauce and a teaspoon of tomatoe paste.
Put a splash of olive oil and a dash of powder in your pan then add your chicken.
Let your chicken sizzle for a while turning it to seal the meat.
When your meat is ready and sealed pour on a glass of white wine then add a couple of glugs of your favourite BBQ sauce and a sprinkle of brown sugar.
Once the sauce is syrupy and the chicken is cooked through, transfer it to a take-away container and keep it somewhere warm.

As well as the sticky chicken and quiche I took some boquerones en vinagre and a rather poor excuse of a salad. 

 As you can probably see the blueberry crumble bars got polished off pretty quickly, leaving just one lonely one in it's box.

A picnic wouldn't be a picnic without some fruit, especially cherries.

After eating our fill of scrummy food we lay in the heat nattering and listening to the water.

Has anyone else been picnicking in this nice weather?

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  1. It looks like you had a great time! The food looks lush - especially the crumble bars! :)

    1. It was really fun, I'm going to pop up the crumble bar recipe. x


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