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Saturday, 21 September 2013

September Loving

Hello Lovelies,

September is well and truly here (the wellies are on)the plums, apples and raspberries are plentiful and jam and chutney making has begun.  So while I was home in the countryside, I donned my wellies, grabbed the dog and ventured up to the little orchard, to stumble over the apples that were strewn all over the ground and pick some yummy plums for crumble making and the odd apple to munch on.      

One thing we are not short of is cooking apples, we used to give them to a friends pig, but alas the pig is no more, so the majority end up rotting on the ground as there is only so many crumbles, stewed apples and cider that you can make.

The eating apples are scrummy especially when they are all pink, there is nothing better than picking an apple straight from the tree.  And plums well that's a whole different ballgame, lets just say I am slightly addicted. 


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