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Monday, 3 March 2014

Holiday Nails || Essie 'Fiji' and 'A Cut Above'

Hello Lovelies,

I am a bit nail varnish obsessed and have a collection that is far to big, but for the last six months I haven't worn anything on my nails, as I wanted to give them a little break as they were rather flaky and brittle.  But as of yesterday the hiatus ended and my nails received a bit of colour.

These are rather summery nails for March but I am popping to Dubai for a bit of Winter sun and wanted something a little lighter and brighter.  So I grabbed my favourite summer colour out of my nail varnish rack, but to my complete horror I had completely finished it last summer, so out I ran to Boots to pick up a new bottle of Figi.

After giving them a couple of licks of nails. inc Save The Nail Repair Rescue Base Coat (the perfect base coat for unhealthy nails like mine) I next used Essie Fiji and applied two coats to get a lovely creamy opaque pale pink, just perfect for the sun.  Once the Figi had dried I grabbed my favourite glitter polish Essie Luxe Nail Polish in A Cut Above and painted the tips to give my nails a little pizzazz!

I think I have rediscovered my nail varnish love, and cant wait for Spring to arrive so I can crack out all those pastel shades.      

Does anyone else give their nails a break now and then?


  1. I've gone about 2 years without any nail polish and now just rediscovered my love for it.

    Sophie xxx

  2. Essie Fiji is such a beautiful shade, it would be perfectt for spring / summer.



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