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Thursday, 18 July 2013

Kick Start Your Day With a Mean Green Juice

Hello Lovelies,

I promised you all my favourite "green juice" recipe so here it is in all its green glory.  I have mentioned the benefits of "green juice" before so I wont repeat myself, but if you want a little look then it is right here.  It is so easy to juice without a juicer all you need is a jelly strainer, a blender and your green goodies and you are set.

To make this juice, you will need a chunk of cucumber, a big handful of spinach and an apple (lemon juice is optional), once your veggies and fruit are chopped, you need to throw it all in a blender and give it a blitz.

Once you have blitzed your greens pour the smoothie like mixture through a jelly strainer bag, letting it drip through then give it a squeeze to help get all the juice out. 

After all the liquid is squeezed out you will be left with a bright green pulp that the compost heap will love.

Next all there is to do is decant it into an airtight bottle or canning jar and drink away, this is the perfect breakfast juice and always keeps me full until lunch.

Does anyone else like "green juice"?

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